Thursday, December 9, 2010
Long Haul Studio Sale
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Long Haul Studio Sale!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Video Call
Emergence is a curated screening of inceptive screen-based Canadian/Quebecois artworks directed by women. Canada-based artists are invited to submit their first screen-based artwork to be screened and to compete for the HTMlles 2010 Festival of Media Art + Digital Culture’s Emerging Artist Award.
Entries to the public call for submissions must be under 9 minutes in length and may consist of time-based screenable media including video art, experimental short film, animation, video performance, mixed media, etc.
Curator Annie Briard will distill an initial selection of works from submissions, to be followed by a screening for jury members comprised of artists, curators and producers.
The ten (10) semifinalist works will be selected and screened at HTMlles, competing for the audience’s vote, determining the winning work. The semi-finalist works will also be featured on the HTMlles website for additional public votes.
The winning artwork will be announced and presented at HTMlles’s closing Gala where the Artist will be publically awarded her/his prize.
Deadline: All submissions must be received by September 13, 2010, by 9:00 PM.
Submission requirements and details:
Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Rappel | Reminder
How do we relate to water after the gulf oil crisis? What information can our senses bring to our consciousness of water at this present moment in time?
I'm pleased to invite you to an event I'll be performing at this coming Monday June 21st, 2010. The Thinking with Water Project is hosting an Artists' panel “Thinking with Water: Beyond Text” from 4:45pm - 6:30pm. My freshwater mermaid will be making a short appearance, offering water samples from a collection of rivers and lakes of various regions of Quebec. Some water samples are out of stock and contaminated, while others taste like blueberry roots and rocks. Interaction guaranteed.
"Moving beyond text and materializing alternate approaches to thinking with water, artists and researchers Sarah Renshaw, Rae Staseson and Gisèle Trudel (Ælab) will present and discuss their work with water. Thoughtful, thought-provoking and materially rich, their artworks, Stream of Consciousness (2010), Water Drawing (2010) and the “conference performance” of light, sweet, cold, dark, crude (LSCDC) (2006-), offer a generative counterpoint to the written components of the Thinking With Water collection. During the opening reception, Emily Rose Michaud will offer a rare tasting of nearby waters."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
heidiBARKUNframes now on sale at Lola & Emily and General 54!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
HIATUS - 9th annual thematic group show

français à suivre...
The Long Haul presents its' 9th annual thematic group show: HIATUS
HIATUS [hahy-ey-tuys] - noun
1. A break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action etc.
2. A missing part, gap or opening
3. Grammar, prosody. The coming together with or without break or slight pause of 2 vowels in successive words or syllables, as in: see easily.
4. Anatomy. A natural fissure, cleft or foramen in a bone or other structure.
Over 20 artists working in all media will exhibit their Hiatus inspired creations.
VERNISSAGE: Thursday, May 27th, 6pm - 11pm
Show runs until June 6th.
Gallery hours: May 28, 29, 30 and June 4, 5, 6 from 12noon - 5pm
The Long Haul - 450 Beaumont ave, 2nd floor, Parc Extension (parc metro or #80 bus north).
for info: 514 948 0227
This year The Long Haul is collaborating with the FTA!
Our gallery hours will be coupled with "Tu vois ce que je veux dire?" , an experiential choreography by two artists from Lyon, Martin Chaput and Martial Chazallon. The Long haul will be the launch pad for a 2 1/2hr blindfolded walk around the neighbourhood. For more info on this project or to reserve your blindfolded (guided) tour, go to:
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Le Corrid'art / The Long Haul présente sa 9 ième exposition de groupe sous le thème : HIATUS
HIATUS : nom masculin
1. Succession de deux voyelles appartenant à des syllabes différentes à l'intérieur d'un mot
2. Orifice naturel étroit, fissure (anat.)
3. Décalage, coupure, cacophonie
4. Manque de cohérence, contradiction
Plus de 20 artistes vont exposer leurs oeuvres exécutées en différentes techniques et inspirées par ce thème !
VERNISSAGE: Jeudi le 27 mai, de 18 h à 23 h
L'exposition se poursuivra jusqu'au 6 juin
Heures d'ouverture de la galerie : les 28, 29 et 30 mai et les 4, 5 et 6 juin, de 12 h à 17 h
450, avenue Beaumont, 2ième étage, Parc-Extension (métro Parc ou autobus 80 nord).
Pour informations : 514 948 0227
Cette année, Le Corrid'art / The Long Haul collabore avec le Festival TransAmériques (FTA)...
Chorégraphie expérimentale créée par deux artistes lyonnais: Martin Chaput et Martial Chazallon, la pièce "Tu vois ce que je veux dire?" s'articule autour d'une marche à l'aveugle de 2h30 dans le quartier Parc-Extension. Durant les heures d'ouverture de la galerie, Le Corrid'art/the Long Haul en sera le point de départ. Pour des informations supplémentaires sur cet événement ou pour réserver votre guide et expérimenter la marche à l'aveugle, rendez-vous sur
Monday, May 10, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
heidiBARKUNframes is open for business

Monday, April 5, 2010
The Rover Art Fair: April 16-18, 2010

I'm part of a group show - 11 artists - organized by The Rover. The show runs April 16,17,18 @ 5145 boul. St-Laurent (between St-Joseph & Laurier)